
For Sale

It's been almost twelve months to the day since I opened the doors to  Neck of the Woods. When I look back on the year that was, I realise how amazing it's been and how much I've achieved. We've had excellent media coverage in magazines such as Frankie, Spaces and Inside Out. And the online presence hasn't been too bad either for a youngster, snippets here and there on sites such as Finders Keepers, Little Pinwheel, Fiona Kate, Honey & Fizz and many more. Almost every day I have lovely customers coming in to the store or visiting this blog and telling me how much they adore the shop, which is a wonderful feeling of achievement.

I have discovered however that it's a difficult road to travel when you have two small children and no family around to help. I have found that personally I'm not doing a great job at being a mum or a small business owner.  I'm not giving either of them the attention or time they deserve. At the end of the day I'm achieving mediocracy with both and doing neither of my roles nor myself justice.

Obviously being a mum outweighs everything else and I've made the difficult decision to sell Neck of the Woods and follow other passions that have a friendlier fit in my mothering schedule. So the short of it is, if you or anyone you may know thinks they have what it takes to run a great small business that's indivual,  loaded with character and has many loyal customers, I'd love to hear from you. You can contact me here for more details.

The good news is this little blog will live on, so keep your eye on this page. Thanks for your support. x


New in store

These very cute cushions are the brainchild of local Northern Beaches designer Laurie from Ourlieu. She uses 100% organic cotton and all items are created through a sustainability-conscious printer, using recycled stock, soy based inks, and other initiatives. They measure 50x50cm RRP $88 including insert.

I did a little blog on these beautifully designed lamps a few months ago but they only just arrived in store about 2 weeks ago. House Doctor Mac lamp is a Danish twist on the Conran Mac lamp. Comprising of oiled wood and brushed aluminium together with tightening bolts to allow the lamp to be tilted as desired. Measures 48cm(h) but completely adjustable. Perfect for a bedside or desk. RRP $420



I was at a girlfriends house the other day, she is French and has that beautiful French sensibility when it comes to design, clothing, food... everything. It was the second time I had been to her home so my eyes were doing the work of a 3 year old (checking everything out). I was looking everywhere, taking it all in, then I caught sight of something I had to pick up and feel and smell and really take it in. I couldn't fully appreciate it by just looking. The little white rat above.

Swig is a beautiful felt designer based in Paris France. I can't read her blog and google translation makes it even worse,  so I'm just going by what my girlfriend told me. She is very well known wet felt artist based in Paris, she has works in a many galleries. The small mouse retails for 85 euro and he is about 15cm high. Some of the works are huge, 40cm or more and sell for thousands!

The mouse I picked up is pleasantly heavy and you just wanted to stroke it. Even they eyes are felted with the little white speck, making them look like shiny plastic ones. Wish I could find out more, alas I can not so just let your eyes enjoy.


keeping warm

Check out these fabulous cushions from Aussie gal My Bearded Pigeon. Her blog chunky chooky is a great read as well. 

These lovely lanterns, heat bags and door stops are from the very talented girls at Mozi. We have them all in store now.

Huge string ball doorstops are sure to those autumn winds from blowing through your cosy abode.



My homage to Autumn. Here's to the deliciously warm colours, crisp afternoons and cuddly mornings. Images all from Etsy, just click images to view the artists.



Ahhh I love a floppy felt hat. Actually I love all kinds of head ware, especially the winter variety. These lovely camel, olive, plum and black ones arrived in store yesterday. If you need anymore inspiration than I've provided here, then click on this link. I can guarantee you'll see me sporting one, not that that's really a reason to buy one. They're just a classic, now there's a better reason. x


New in store

I love all of the designs from French design company la cerise sur le gateau the embodied details, the Libertyesque fabrics, the amazing colour combinations.

These cute very vintage looking silhouette children tin signs are irresistible, they are roughly 25 x 25cm and retail for around $20 each. 

These happy little felt home accessories are from from the heart of the Himalayas, Muskhane brings you a universe of poetry, softness and colour. They are due in store over the next few weeks.